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How to make a natural Christmas wreath

There are few things more welcoming than a Christmas wreath greeting you at the front door as you come in from the cold. Making your own wreath in the run up to Christmas is a fantastically festive activity and the perfect way to get stuck into the Christmas spirit with friends. Wrap up and get outside with some secateurs, heat the mulled wine on the stove, pop some Christmas carols on and get creative.

You will need:

  1. A circular hoop - either make your own from willow or you can buy one here
  2. Green foliage - holly, ivy, rosemary, fir, mistletoe, eucalyptus
  3. Red foliage - rosehips, holly berries, cotoneasters, sea buckthorn
  4. Natural elements - pine cones, acorns, cinnamon sticks, dried orange slices
  5. Green garden wire
  6. Ribbon or string (for hanging or added decoration)
  7. Scissors 


  1. With protective gloves and a basket over your arm, head out into the garden with secateurs to collect your wild foliage
  2. Once back in the warm, assemble your treasures into groups so you can get a feel for what you've got to work with. Place your circular hoop flat on the table and begin to assemble the elements around it. 
  3. Once you're happy with the rough placement of your items, it's time to start securing each piece to the hoop. Start by weaving any larger green foliage through the hoop and securing from the back with small pieces of wire. 
  4. As the wreath begins to look more full, you can start adding the other colourful and textural elements. Try to secure pieces with the wire from the back so it looks tidier at the front of the wreath.
  5. Once complete, tie a piece of ribbon or string around the top and hang on your front door for all to enjoy. 

Our top tips

  1. Wear protective gloves to collect the foliage
  2. Holly will last so collect it sooner rather than later to ensure that the pigeons don't get all the berries before a cold spell

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